

This website contains general information about the products and services of Anthura BV and its affiliated companies. While we try to ensure that this information is as accurate, complete and up to date as possible, we cannot guarantee this. The information on this website is made available without implicit or explicit guarantees as to quality, accuracy or suitability for a specific purpose. The product information on this website is based on results obtained at test locations of Anthura.

If information provided on the website is incorrect or incomplete, Anthura BV and/or its affiliated companies will make every effort to correct it as soon as possible.

Anthura BV and/or its affiliated companies (“Anthura”) cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect damage arising from using the website or the information made available through the website.

Cold and heat tolerance
While the information on cold and heat tolerance has been prepared by Anthura with the utmost care, it is not provided without an implicit or explicit guarantee. This is because the product information is based on Anthura’s own test results, and cold tolerance involves several factors. Consider, for instance, substrate moisture, packaging, humidity etc. It is therefore preferable to consult our product specialists for more information about a specific property.

No part of this website may be reproduced or used without the prior written consent of Anthura, other than downloading, viewing the downloaded material on a single screen or printing a few hard copies for personal use (not for commercial or professional use).

Intellectual property
Anthura expressly maintains copyright on the information provided on this website, including graphics, photographic material, logos and pictorial marks. Without Anthura’s prior consent, it is not permitted to disclose and/or reproduce, store, distribute, in any manner whatsoever, any information provided on this website.

Hyperlinks and references
This website may, through links and hyperlinks, refer you to other websites and information sources managed by third parties. Anthura has no control of these websites or their content and therefore cannot provide any guarantee as to the completeness or accuracy of the content or the availability of these websites or information sources.

Hyperlinks on our website to other websites do not imply any endorsement of the external site or its content. The links are provided for your information and convenience.

General terms and conditions of sale and delivery
All our offers, sales and deliveries are subject to Plantum’s General Terms for Ornamental Plant Cultivation and Food Horticulture Propagation, filed with the Rotterdam Chamber of Commerce, Gouda office, on 21 May 2012. We will send you these terms and conditions on request.

Anthura B.V.
VAT no. NL0082.83.370.B01
Haaglanden Chamber of Commerce no. 29029231

If you have any questions or comments regarding this website, please contact us at [email protected]